This health and safety Inspection checklist allows you to identify hazards in the workplace that need corrective action. This checklist can be used as framework to create internal health and safety inspections. That should be Internal health and safety inspections should be performed on a regular basis by your designated safety team or site supervisors.
Health and safety inspections allow you to:
- Understand the concerns of workers
- Gain insight into jobs and tasks you have limited experience with
- Identify existing hazards
- Monitor hazard controls
Facility Location: _______________________________________________________________
Evaluated by: _____________________________________________ Date: _______________
Training | |
?Yes ?? No ?? |
Is training provided for new hires and people newly assigned to a different job on a regular basis? Condition: ________________________________________________ Person responsible: ________________________ Due date: _____________ |
?Yes ? No ?? |
Are there appointed First Aid (and CPR) trained employees, and are they available for medical emergencies? Condition: ________________________________________________ Person responsible: ________________________ Due date: _____________ |
?Yes ?? No ?? |
Are workers familiar with the hazards of chemicals and trade products? Are all employees up to date on the HazCom 2012 standards and the transition to Safety Data Sheets (SDS) from Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)? Condition: ________________________________________________ Person responsible: ________________________ Due date: _____________ |
?Yes ?? No ?? |
Are all workers trained on the emergency evacuation plan? Condition: ________________________________________________ Person responsible: ________________________ Due date: _____________ |
?Yes ?? No ?? |
Has fire extinguisher training been provided? Condition: ________________________________________________ Person responsible: ________________________ Due date: _____________ ABC-rated dry chemical extinguishers are appropriate in most areas. They should each have attached inspection tags that indicate they have been inspected within the last 12 months. |
Environment |
?Yes ? No ?? |
Are wall, floor, and ceiling penetrations for cables, wires, pipes and mechanical systems (such as ductwork) sealed to prevent the spread of fire and smoke? Condition: ________________________________________________ Person responsible: ________________________ Due date: _____________ Sealed wall penetrations prevent the spread of fire and smoke from one room to another. Penetrations can be sealed with drywall, fire-retardant pipe seal or fire stop pillows. |
?Yes ? No ?? N/A ? |
Are flammable and combustible liquids stored in approved flammable storage cabinets? Condition: ________________________________________________ Person responsible: ________________________ Due date: _____________ Quantities of flammable and combustible liquids in excess of the following quantities should be stored in approved flammables storage cabinets:
*Refer to the product's material safety data sheet (MSDS) or safety data sheet (SDS) to determine its flammability/combustibility class. |
?Yes ? No ?? N/A ? |
Are "No Smoking" signs posted in appropriate areas, and no smoking rules enforced? Condition: ________________________________________________ Person responsible: ________________________ Due date: _____________ |
?Yes ? No ?? N/A ? |
Have the facility's sprinkler and/or fire alarm systems been inspected in the past 12 months? Is the fire suppression system tagged to verify this inspection? Condition: ________________________________________________ Person responsible: ________________________ Due date: _____________ |
?Yes ? No ?? N/A ? |
Do sprinkler heads have at least 18 inches of vertical clearance from material stored below? Condition: ________________________________________________ Person responsible: ________________________ Due date: _____________ |
?Yes ? No ?? N/A ? |
Are resources available to deal with very hot or very cold conditions (drinking water, appropriate personal protective equipment such as lined gloves or insulated boots)? Condition: ________________________________________________ Person responsible: ________________________ Due date: _____________ Additional inspection requirements may apply according to local regulations. |
Hazard Communication and Substances |
?Yes ?? No ?? |
Does the facility have a written hazard communication program, including a complete chemical list and file of safety data sheets (SDSs) for chemicals used and stored in the facility? Are these SDSs accessible to all employees, visitors, and contractors for review upon request? Does the written program describe how the employer will meet the requirements of OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard? Condition: ________________________________________________ Person responsible: ________________________ Due date: _____________ SDSs should be on file for solvents, fuels, batteries, cleaners, lubricants, and other potentially hazardous materials. |
Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) |
?Yes ? No ?? |
Is required equipment provided, maintained, and used? Condition: ________________________________________________ Person responsible: ________________________ Due date: _____________ |
?Yes ? No ?? |
Does equipment meet requirements and is it reliable? Condition: ________________________________________________ Person responsible: ________________________ Due date: _____________ |
?Yes ? No ?? |
Is personal protection utilized only when it is not reasonably practicable to eliminate or control the hazardous substance or process? Condition: ________________________________________________ Person responsible: ________________________ Due date: _____________ |
?Yes ? No ?? |
Are areas that require PPE properly identified with signs? Condition: ________________________________________________ Person responsible: ________________________ Due date: _____________ |
?Yes ? No ?? |
Is hearing protection available and used properly? Condition: ________________________________________________ Person responsible: ________________________ Due date: _____________ |
Emergency Exit Procedures |
?Yes ? No ?? |
Is there a clear fire response plan posted in each work area? Are all workers aware of the plan? Condition: ________________________________________________ Person responsible: ________________________ Due date: _____________ |
?Yes ? No ?? |
Are emergency exit drills held regularly? Condition: ________________________________________________ Person responsible: ________________________ Due date: _____________ |
?Yes ? No ?? |
Are there an adequate number of fire extinguishers present, and are they clearly marked and located in conspicuously marked locations? Condition: ________________________________________________ Person responsible: ________________________ Due date: _____________ |
?Yes ? No ?? |
Are all fire extinguishers fully charged and operable? Condition: ________________________________________________ Person responsible: ________________________ Due date: _____________ |
?Yes ? No ?? |
Are all exits clearly marked and unblocked for egress? Condition: ________________________________________________ Person responsible: ________________________ Due date: _____________ |
?Yes ? No ?? |
Are exits and exit routes equipped with emergency lighting or marked to illuminate in the dark? Condition: ________________________________________________ Person responsible: ________________________ Due date: _____________ |
Depending on the type of facility you work in will determine what areas you should inspect. Below is a list of categories that your safety committee should examine, and decide what to use in your own health and safety inspection checklist.
- Warehouse and shipping
- Loading/unloading racks
- Lighting
- Sound level/noise
- Materials handling/storage
- Machine guards
- Electrical
- Tools and machinery
- Elevating devices
- Employee facilities
- Confined spaces
- Housekeeping
- Floor and wall openings
- Stairs, ladders and platforms
- Medical and first aid
You may want to start with an existing, general checklist, or consult with industry groups for a more specialist list that will be applicable to your facility. To help you get started on creating a Health and Safety Inspection Checklist for your facility, we are offering you a free Facility Safety Audit Guide below!
Related Resources

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