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Duralabel Expands PathFinder Crosswalk Options
DuraLabel Staff
Feb 03, 2023 1 MINUTE READ Last updated on: December 30, 2024

Text and bold color lines mark a warehouse floor.

BEAVERTON, OREGON Duralabel, a global leader in visual communication solutions for compliance and safety, introduces its PathFinder Crosswalks. These premade walkway bundles increase efficiency by protecting pedestrians from dangerous forklift, equipment, and automation traffic.

"In hustling facilities, pedestrians need pathways to cross in a safe and efficient manner without interrupting workflow," said Nicole Noble, a product manager at Duralabel. "Our PathFinder Crosswalk bundles are the easiest, quickest, and most durable tools for any facility. They are easy to order and install, making facility traffic management one less thing to worry about."

Pedestrian accidents in the workplace have been increasing. There were 341 work-related deaths and 5,910 injuries in 2019, according to data from the National Safety Council.

Made with industrial-grade adhesive and vinyl materials, Duralabel' Pathfinder Crosswalk bundles each come in lengths between 6 feet and 14 feet to create highly visible lines that separate traffic types. Facilities can improve pedestrian awareness with any of the three product combinations:

Basic: Comes with a red "Proceed with Caution" boundary tape and individual 36" yellow adhesive crosswalk marking strips.

Premium: Comes with a red "Proceed with Caution" boundary tape, individual 36" yellow adhesive crosswalk marking strips, and two "Caution Forklift Traffic" floor signs to notify pedestrians of forklift hazards.

Deluxe: Comes with a red "Proceed with Caution" boundary tape, individual 36" yellow adhesive crosswalk marking strips, two "Caution Forklift Traffic" floor signs to notify pedestrians of forklift hazards, packs of red floor tape dashes, and "Stop" floor signs to instruct forklift operators to stop before reaching the crosswalk.

"We wanted to help warehouses and other facilities improve efficiency and correct existing hazards using cost-effective solutions," Noble said. "We're proud to help facilities designate non-driving locations, walkways, crosswalks, speed limits, and other safe driving elements using PathFinder Crosswalk bundles."

Workplaces can take continuous action to improve production while helping to prevent future employee injuries or fatalities using PathFinder Crosswalk bundles. To purchase or learn more about PathFinder Crosswalk bundles, please visit


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