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Growing Market Calls for Bigger Cold Storage Facilities
DuraLabel Staff
Feb 03, 2023 2 MINUTE READ Last updated on: February 25, 2025
The food warehousing industry is booming and companies are expanding their cold storage warehouses. These warehouses are sometimes kept at 65 degrees below zero and load traffic is constant. Racks and other cold storage surfaces need aggressive labels that can last in the harsh cold environment.


Sleep, work, eat. Busy lifestyles and increasing demand for convenience food are accelerating frozen food industry growth. According to research company Markets and Markets, the global market size for refrigerated/frozen products in 2020 was at least $244.3 billion. The global cold storage market is anticipated to reach $312.3 billion by 2025, according to the report. Companies throughout the U.S. are diligently trying to keep pace, such as U.S. Cold Storage in Fresno, California, expanding its operations, and Henningsen Cold Storage opening a new facility in Grandview, Washington. These companies' massive deep freeze areas typically run a constant 60 degrees below zero and are responsible for keeping the world's favorite foods fresh.

Durability and Reliability

Food safety and quality go hand-in-hand, so when mass food storage is on the line, it's crucial to have durable labels that are tough enough for laborious processing as well as the ability to last in extremely cold environments. If labels have wrinkles, are fading, or lifting and falling off racks, the trust of that product's freshness might peel back as well. Consider a few things when purchasing cold storage labels:

  • Where are the labels being applied?
  • What surface is the label going on?
  • What temperature(s) will the product need to endure?
  • How long should the label last?
  • What information or images need to be on the label?

Conventional labels are not made with the strength to reliably adhere to frozen surfaces. Cold storage labels need special freezer-grade material and should include a strong adhesive to withstand extreme environmental challenges. A weak adhesive can cause moisture to build under the label, especially if there is air trapped between the label and the surface to which it was applied. A durable label material also helps limit downtime and frequency of having to replace worn or damaged labels. The last thing a company wants is a flimsy label that detaches spontaneously or breaks down after one hit by a forklift. Use smear-proof cold storage labels for barcodes, inventory, or hazard and safety communication that are ideal for deep freezer racks, warehouse equipment, and other cold storage environments from 40 degrees to sub-zero temperatures. Food companies need reliable labeling products that will ensure proper processing and storing, which in turn delivers quality products the public can trust. 

Labeling Compliance and Approval

Expedite frozen food warehouse processing with safety in mind. Duralabel has visual communication solutions and resources to help enhance cold storage facility uptime. Use a robust labeling system with supplies that can help meet operational demands such as DuraLabel Cold Storage Tape. Designed to resist moisture that occurs from repeated freeze and thaw cycles, this supply can adhere well to plastic, metal racks, and refrigerator units. With an effective application temperature as low as -20 degrees, this supply can sustain its grip on surfaces in temperatures as low as -65 degrees. Need more best practice tips? Duralabel has a guide on safety labeling for the food processing industry. Quickly produce a small batch or thousands of easy-to-read compliant, informative, and lasting cold storage labels using any DuraLabel label and sign printer


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